My home for 49 years, from its location in Ozone Park NY to its move to East Lyme CT
from owners P.Wiebel, Joy Manufacturing, BBA and final Triumph Group.(1966-2015).
History: (from employee handbook- 1966) "Ozone Metal Products Corp,(original name for Ozone Ind) was established in 1946 as an outgrowth of a small but successful tool and die business whose plant and office consisted of about 10,000 square feet of floor space and that had less then 20 employees. Since that time, Ozone has experienced a healthy and steady growth and today utilizes over 110,000 square feet of floor space and employs over 450 people. We attribute this successful operation to the outstanding performance and cooperation of all Ozone employees. Our multi-plant operation encompasses all phases of product development - from original design through development, manufacturing and testing. Systems and components designed and manufactured by Ozone people can be found on multitude of today's operational aircraft and missiles. We are all proud of the many contributions Ozone has made, and is making, to the National Defense."
Firm Moving To East Lyme From New York
February 20, 1996|By DAN HAAR; Courant Staff Writer
A manufacturer of landing gear and precision hydraulics is delivering a boost to the state's aerospace industry with a move to East Lyme from New York City.
Ozone Industries Inc. expects to complete its move and have all of its 120 people working in Connecticut by the end of March, company president Robert Terenzi said Monday.
Ozone began the move to the East Lyme Industrial Park in the middle of last year. The company brought about 15 people from its plant in the borough of Queens in New York City, and hired the rest here, Terenzi said.
Machine shops and small factories have not been pouring into the state lately, although some business costs have begun to come down and many towns are offering tax incentives. Direct cost, however, was not the chief consideration in Ozone's move, Terenzi said.
``It was the physical constraints of the building there,'' Terenzi said.
The company's complex in Ozone Park, Queens, was divided among three buildings along two main roads. Ozone bought a 70,000- square-foot building on 10 acres in East Lyme, and immediately began instituting modern work-flow techniques that Terenzi said have already shown results.
And, he said, ``if you think Connecticut costs are high, you ought to try New York.''
The state is paying for some training in product-control techniques, Terenzi said, but other than cooperation -- which he praised -- the company has received ``not a substantial amount'' of public assistance.
The company offered jobs to any employee who would relocate, Terenzi said, although in some cases at slightly lower pay. Ozone was unionized in New York. In Connecticut, Machinists union officials said, they have their eye on Ozone.
``They need to do their job,'' Terenzi said of the union leaders.
Terenzi said his company -- owned by BBA Group plc. of London -- wanted to be in the Northeast. Sikorsky Aircraft in Stratford represents about 30 percent of its sales.
The company employs about 60 skilled machinists.
``Everyone, including me, thought that there was still a fairly large talent pool'' in Connecticut, Terenzi said. ``I was expecting that there were more skilled machinists than we were able to find.''
For the most part, he said, the company has been able to find enough workers.
Terenzi himself lives in Old Lyme. He said he was about to move closer to the plant in Queens when the parent company announced the move. As for the choice of East Lyme, he said he had nothing to do with it. ``But nobody believes me.''