Note: Early spelling of PALMIERI was PALMERI so some of the records Will show that spelling.
Italy woman retains their maiden name. That means that on the records when a female is named as a mother, wife, witness etc. the surname given is her maiden name, not her married name. This is true on the passenger ships’ list for females immigrating. Her children got their father’s surname, but she didn't she used her maiden name.
When Cristofaro Palmieri was born on November 11, 1865, in Alimena, Italy, his father, Mariano, was 32 and his mother, Carmela, was 33. He married Maria Oddo in Alimena, Italy. They had four children in 11 years, Miriano (1887), Carmela (1891), Cherubino (1893) and Joesph (1900, only child to be born in U.S.) . He died about 1942 in Bronx, New York, at the age of 76.
Dated 11 November 1865 at 11PM at town office
Before the official appeared Giuseppa Rugnone(?), age 53, midwife residing in Alilema.
Right column indicates a baptism on the same day...own, to declare that a male child was born to Carmela lo Vetri, age 33 and to Maestro Mariano Palmieri, her husband, age 40, carpenter, on the 11th of the current month at 11 AM at home. She presented the child and it was given the name CRISTOFARO.
When Mariano Palmeri was born on September 16, 1833, in Polizzi Generosa, Italy, his father, Gandolfo, was 25 and his mother, Giuseppa, was 31. He married Carmela Lo Vetri. They had two children during their marriage. He died on July 2, 1867, in Alimena, Italy, at the age of 33.
Translation of Mariano Palmieri Death Record 1867
Act date: July 3rd, 1867 at 3pm
Death date and place: July 2nd, 1867 at 11pm, in Sant'anna district. Mariano Palmieri, 34 years, carpenter, husband of Carmela Lo Vetere, born in Polizzi Generosa, son of Gandolfo and Giuseppa Mitilano, both deceased. Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi
Maria Oddo was born in 1868, the child of Cherubino and giuseppa. She married Cristofaro Palmieri. They had four children in 11 years.
Translation of MARIA ODDO BIRTH RECORD 1868
12 Feb 1868 in the commune of Alimena, at the hour 22 appearing before Francesco ??Tedescoayor and offical in the town of Alimena, district of Termini, province of Palermo is Epifania di Caro, of deceased Pasquale, age 51, midwife, living in Alimena. thataving assisted in the labor, on the 11 Febraury of the current year at the hour of 3 year is born to Giuseppa Guastoferro, of the deceased Filippo age 35, wife of Cherubino Oddo, of the deceased Antonio, age 50, middleclass, living in Alimena, in the same home in the town in the neighborhood of Sant'Anna, a female child who the parents intend to give the name Maria.
Witnesses are Giuseppe Cipriano, of deceased Antonio, age 32, farm laborer living in Alimena and Santoaradiso?? of the deceased Rosario age 57, a farmer.
Translation of Cristofaro Palmieri and Maria Oddo marriage 1886
Nov 28, 1886 at 5 P.M. in AlimenaGroom: Cristofaro Palmieri, never before married, age 21, carpenter, son of deceased Mariano Palmieri and living Carmela Lo Vetere. Bride: Maria Oddo, never before married, 18, housewife, daughter of Cherubino Oddo and Giuseppa Guastaferro. The couple presented documents which were examined by the town official, including the act of the request of the publications which had resulted in there being no impediments to the marriage . The first publication was dated on Oct 24th and the second on the 31st. Also the consents of the mother of the groom and of the parents of the bride had resulted in the act of the publications.After each of the spouses were asked if they took the other, according to the terms of the law, the town official pronounced that they were man and wife. Witnesses were Rosario Arata, age 32, and Seminara Lino, age 27. The document was signed by the groom, the two witnesses, and the town official. The others were illiterate and did not sign.
When Mariano Palmieri was born on Nov 1, 1887 in Alimena, Italy, his father, Chistofaro, was 23 and his mother, Maria, was 21. He had two brothers and one sister.
Translation of Mariano Palmieri Birth 1887
#214 dated Nov 1, 1887 at 9:10 a.m. in Alimena. Appearing was Maddalena Giaimo, age 67, midwife who reported that, at 4 a.m. on the 1st, in the house #5 via Case nuove, Maria Oddo, a housewife, the wife of Cristofaro Palmieri, a carpenter, both living in Alimena, gave birth to a son named Mariano. She was presenting the infant in place of the husband, as it was an inconvenience for him.
When Carmela Palmieri was born on June 1, 1891, in Alimena, Italy, her father, Chistofaro, was 25 and her mother, Maria, was 23. She had three brothers.
translation of Carmela Palmieri Birth 1891
#116 for Carmela Palmieri dated June 1, 1891
Appearing was Maddalena Giaimo, age 71, midwife
in Alimena
She reported that, on the 1st of the current
month at 1 a.m., in the house at #4 via Arcarese, a female infant was born to
Maria Oddo, wife of Cristofaro Palmieri, a carpenter. Both were living in
Alimena. The midwife was presenting this infant, to whom was being given the
name, Carmela, in place of the infant's father. The reason given in this record
for his failure to declare the birth himself was that it was an inconvenience
for him.
When Cherubino Palmieri was born on December 1, 1893, in Alimena, Italy, his father, Chistofaro, was 28 and his mother, Maria, was 25. He had two brothers and one sister.
translation of Cherubino Palmieri Birth 1893
record #212 is dated Dec 1, 1893 at 10 a.m.
Appearing was Ignazia Alario, age 46, midwife.
She reported that at 7 a.m. on the 1st of the current month, in the house at
#13 via Arcarese, a male infant was born to housewife, Maria Oddo, wife of
Cristofaro Palmieri, a carpenter. It was this infant she was presenting and to
whom was being given the name Cherubino.
The midwife announced the birth in the place of the husband, as he was absent. The record does not state if he was away from the town for work, or give a reason for his absence or inability to himself declare the birth of his son.
Gandolfo Palmieri and Santa Fiamingo marriage 1890 Brother of Cristofaro
Translation of Gandolfo Palmieri and Santa Fiamingo marriage 1890 Brother of Cristofaro
Dated Nov 22, 1890 in AlimenaGroom: Gandolfo Palmieri, single, age 29, carpenter, born and resident in Alimena. Son of deceased Mariano and (living) Carmela Lo Vetri, resident in the town. Bride: Santa Fiamingo, single, 22, housewife, daughter of Francesco Paolo Fiamingo and Nazzarena Calascibetta. Witnesses were Tommaso Miserendino, age 30, and Antonio Antonio Antoni, 29. Publications were on Sept 21st and 28th. All parties signed the document below.
Cristofaro father Mariano sister
When Rosaria Palmeri was born on January 4, 1836, in Polizzi Generosa, Italy, her father, Gandolfo, was 28 and her mother, Giuseppa, was 34. She had one brother and two sisters. She died on March 10, 1894, in her hometown, at the age of 58.
Translation of Rosaria Palmeri Death 1894
Dated March 10, 1894. Rosaria Palmeri (again the surname does not have an i after the letter m)-died at the age of 60, yesterday (on the 9th), in the house on via Garibaldi (a house without a number). She was age 60, had never been married, and was the daughter of deceased Gandolfo Palmeri, a breadmaker, and deceased Giuseppa Militari, a housewife. She herself was a housewife who had been born and was living in Polizzi.
Carmela Lo Vetri was born about 1806 in Alimena, Italy. She married Mariano Palmeri. They had two children during their marriage. She died on July 2, 1901, in her hometown, at the age of 71.
Carmela LoVetri Death1901
Dated 2 July 1901 at 9 AM at the town hall in Alimena Appearing before the official were Giuseppe Garratana, 66, grave-digger, residing in Alimena, and Pietro Gennaro, 49, grave-digger also residing in Alimena, to declare that at 1 PM yesterday (1 July) at the place at Via Noter D'Anna(sp?) #14, died Carmela Lo Vetri, age 71, housewife residing in Alimena, born in Alimena to deceased Venanzio, a resident of Alimena in his lifetime; and to deceased Rosa Messina, also a resident of Alimena in her lifetime; widow of Mariano Palmieri. Witnesses to the record: Calogero Spedale, 71, trader; Calogero Giunta, 54, porter.